It's an all new episode of your Boo Crew and at time of release in theaters, kicking off Hispanic heritage month, five iconic indie horror filmmakers bring you the first all latino anthology. It is SATANIC HISPANICS and it is AWESOME!! We are thrilled to be joined by returning friend of show, the legendary "Mad Man" Mike Mendez to cover all aspects from coming up with the concept and parameters to creating the unbelievably cool wraparound that weaves all these terror-tales together. This hilarious convo covers everything from UFO news, wild paranormal experiences, the myths and monsters of Latin America and crafting a breathtaking new iconic creature! It’s also a spectacular lesson in indie filmmaking, how to turn challenges into assets and working with the mechanics of anthologies (and why horror anthologies are so darn rad)!! Definitely go out and support SATANIC HISPANICS at a theater new you! There's no question, with its interesting tonal choreography and breathtaking performances, your synapses will be firing in all directions. It's a frickin' riot.
